Intelligence R&D Projects


PiCoM intends to develop a cloud-based services platform to manage electrical consumption predictively, with possibility to integrate  photovoltaic self-production. This project intends to develop and integrate a technology mix based on predictive information, with yearly and weekly forecast for weather, consumption, photovoltaic production and energy price market.

Project File

Research and Technological Development Project

Project Name | PICoM
Project Code| 010946
Main Objective | Create a Cloud Platform
Date of approval | 2017-07-04
Start date | 2017-01-02
End date | 2019-01-02
Eligible investment | € 301,928.35
Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – € 217,756.86;

Smartwatt is dedicated to the provision of energy services to companies and public and private entities. Introduces innovative software and for the management and optimization of energy systems, in addition to the entity provides energy services, energy efficiency solutions and strategic advice to producers, users and final consumers of energy. |

The PICoM project aims to create a service platform in Cloud for predictive management of electric consumptions, with the possibility of integration of photovoltaic auto production. The project intends to develop and integrate a set of innovative technologies in a new paradigm of predictive information, with weekly and annual forecast horizon, including results in the following lines of research: weather forecast, forecast of consumption, forecast of photovoltaic production, forecast of prices of electricity, predictive tariff simulation and dynamic response of consumption.

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